Much can happen in a week. Jerusalem welcomed travelers arriving for the annual Passover festival. On His way there, the Lord visited his friends Lazarus, Martha, and Mary, allowing Mary to anoint His feet with costly ointment and dry them with her hair. Riding on a colt through an enthusiastic crowd the next day, Jesus alone knew that He neared Crucifixion. On the evening of the Last Supper with His Disciples, the Lord washed their feet—a task for a servant. When Peter said that He would lay down his life for Jesus, the Lord interjected that Peter would soon deny Him three times. Judas turned against Him. Contrary to his better judgment, Pontius Pilate handed the Lord over for Crucifixion while wondering what cause Jesus could serve by refusing to defend Himself. Although we sometimes fail to understand the Lord’s ways, why would we ever feel misunderstood by Him?