When Jesus invited the fishermen Peter, Andrew, James, and John to follow Him, they did not hesitate. Observing a poor widow placing two small coins into the Temple treasury, the Lord compared her sacrifice to contributions made by others with wealth to spare. Jesus foretold destruction of Jerusalem, including its richly adorned Temple, and people wanted a warning sign to expect. For the Disciples, He advised looking toward redemption, not destruction. Scriptural letters of Saint Paul pointed out that Jesus came for everyone, but no one can bel
Read MoreJesus healed a blind beggar, who saw the glory of God in what Jesus had done for him. Onlookers in a crowd saw no reason for Jesus to favor Zacchaeus, a rich tax collector, by staying at his house. In a parable, Jesus described profitable servants handsomely rewarded when a nobleman became king. In anger, the Lord ransacked a marketplace set up in the Temple area meant as a place of prayer open to everyone. Jesus preached the Kingdom of God at hand. Fantastical symbolism in the later Book of Revelation conveyed the writer’s historical time of
Read MoreSuppose a person wronged seven times in one day heard the same apology over and over. Jesus said to forgive every time, acknowledging the difficulty of overcoming ingrained sin. Becoming a profitable servant of the Lord requires more than meeting obligations. Ten lepers received healing, but only one returned to give thanks and glory to God. Saint Paul wanted Onesimus to return to Philemon as a brother, not a slave, and offered to repay any amount that Onesimus may have stolen. Jesus reminded His Disciples of the Old Testament story of Lot’s
Read MoreSaint Paul urged the Philippians to consider other people, not just their own interests. Jesus had spoken more dramatically. In select company at the home of a leading Pharisee, Jesus advised inviting the poor to banquets. Compared with the love that God deserves, even love for family might seem like hatred. Discipleship has costs but far more value than possessions. In a parable, a dishonest steward about to get fired by the property owner hoped that quickly reducing amounts that debtors owed would lead to later favors in return. Such tactics
Read MoreAfter a night in prayer, the Lord chose the Twelve Apostles. Like a tiny mustard seed that grows into a huge bush, that small group grew into a worldwide Church. As Jesus made His way to Jerusalem and the Cross, someone asked how many would be saved. The Lord seemed discouraged as He told people to try, although many would find themselves too weak to enter the narrow gate. Saint Paul later advised Christians in Ephesus to get strength from the Lord—to make righteousness their armor and carry faith like a shield. He also asked for their prayer
Read MoreJesus got people’s attention by addressing everyday, practical concerns from a spiritual perspective. For example, someone in a crowd wanted the Lord to tell his brother to share an inheritance. Jesus responded with a parable about a rich man who died right after planning to build bigger barns and live in leisure for years after a bountiful harvest. God creates each person for good works and provides the ability to accomplish them. It takes time and cultivation for talents to develop, but God has patience with us. Saint Paul used the image of
Read MoreIn the notoriously corrupt city of Nineveh, people believed the prophet Jonah’s warning from God to repent or perish. Centuries later, God sent Jesus as the key to salvation, but scribes and Pharisees blocked the doorway as they challenged His wisdom. Jesus started small, calling the Twelve Apostles. He later sent 72 missionaries in pairs to proclaim the Kingdom of God at hand and cure the sick in His name. God forgives sins, except when a person “blasphemes against the Holy Spirit” by refusing without regret to accept His mercy. Persecut
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