Townspeople sometimes refused to repent, even after seeing the miracles that Jesus worked. The Lord kept on inviting people to come to Him, and He traveled around to meet them. Blessedly, the heavenly Father reveals things to the childlike that escape people supposedly wise. For instance, Pharisees called it unlawful breaking of the Sabbath when the Disciples decided to pick and eat heads of grain while walking along. Jesus allowed the innocent snacking. The Lord taught that kindnesses to His Disciples—even something as small as offering a cu

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After suffering for twelve years from hemorrhages, a woman believed that wellness would come if she touched Jesus’ cloak. Imagine her fear when He abruptly turned around at the mere touch. Jesus said to have courage, and she needed it! Until the Lord said that her faith had saved her, the woman had no idea what He would do. On the same day, Jesus rewarded an official’s faith by bringing his daughter back to life. After giving the Twelve authority to preach and heal in His name, Jesus sent them forth with the instruction not to pack even mon

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Even with Jesus asleep in the boat, the Disciples panicked and woke Him as waves crashed over the hull in a gale. The Lord asked why they were terrified, answered for them by saying that they had little faith, and then calmed the storm. When questioned about why His followers didn’t fast like the Pharisees, Jesus responded with analogies to encourage a new outlook. No one uses old wineskins for new wine, because fermentation would burst skins already stretched to the limit. Likewise, patching old clothing with new, unshrunken fabric would pul

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Zechariah had his doubts when an angel promised him a son, and he said so. He then lost the ability to speak until he named the baby John, as the angel had directed. Soldiers under a centurion’s command obeyed his orders, and the centurion believed that Jesus had the authority to cure his paralyzed servant by just saying the word. Admittedly unworthy of the favor, the centurion asked anyway. If Jesus wanted to heal a leper who came to Him, it would happen. The leper had no doubt. Jesus healed the servant and the leper. Sometimes, we want to p

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Look for Jesus in His Father’s house. Pray without babbling, fast without gloominess, and give to the poor without showing off. Besides giving us advice, the Lord challenges His followers to “be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Objectively, we cannot do everything flawlessly. It’s perfectly fine with God if we do whatever good we can, with faith that He does the same. Why do we sometimes tell God certain steps we want Him to take, rather than trusting that He will always go the extra mile for us?

In the Old Testament, the Lord promised to pass by the cave where Elijah, in danger and discouraged, had taken refuge. After a gale, an earthquake, and fire came and went, God arrived in a whisper to send Elijah back into the world. Jesus later called His followers “light of the world” and “salt of the earth.” Whether persecuted or making peace, we have opportunities to let others see our faith. Salt loses its taste as it absorbs other tangs, and we should let faith flavor our words. When we hunger and thirst for righteousness, do we us

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Pharisees and Herodians (a Jewish sect) asked Jesus about paying the Roman census tax in a veiled effort to get Him to deny either the sovereignty of God or of Caesar. The Lord said to give each his due. Sadducees tried to refute belief in resurrection to new life by asking whose wife a widow seven times over would be in heaven. Jesus said that the resurrected become like angels. Marriage on Earth doesn’t constrain the unlimited love in heaven. Observing a poor widow give all that she had to the temple treasury, Jesus pointed out that two sma

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