September 17, 2024: Prayer to Take Measure
Lord, please help me to take measure In ways that You will bless. If things haven’t gone just as I planned, Help me see Your answer to, “What’s next?” For Your plan is eternal, Beyond my wildest hopes and dreams. Now that I have come this far, Please be my guide on the road before me. Amen.
September 16, 2024: Marian Prayer for Encouragement
Blessed Virgin Mary, When I am discouraged or afraid, Longing for encouragement, Please hold me close within your heart, Wellspring of comfort through your faith. Amen.
September 15, 2024: To Know God’s Love
To know the love of God, Do I need to look far? A glorious sunrise and glistening dew, Songbirds and a summer breeze, Snowcapped mountains against an azure backdrop: Creation allows me to see The love of God, our Creator.
September 14, 2024: Lord, You Are My Help
Lord Jesus, You are my help, For anyone who comes to You Will not be turned away. Longing for Your gentleness, I turn to You today. Lord Jesus, You are my help, For You came to teach and heal, Giving hope through Your Word. In Your compassion now I pray With hope, for I am heard. Lord Jesus, You are my help, For giving Yourself upon the Cross Has opened heaven’s doors. May I be blessed in joining My suffering with Yours. Amen.
September 13, 2024: Evening Prayer
Loving God, as the sun sets in glorious hues, may I join all creation in giving glory to Your name. As the stars appear, I give You thanks for guiding me in times of darkness on a journey of faith. As the moon reflects light, I ask for Your grace to live in a way that reflects Your love. Amen.
September 12, 2024: Prayer to Our Merciful God
Almighty God and Father, May I be open to forgiveness, Received and given as You will. May I live faithfully with joy And holy purpose to fulfill. Amen.
September 11, 2024: Freedom to Serve the Lord
Heavenly Father, I give You thanks for the cherished freedom to serve You wherever I may be. Amen.
September 10, 2024: Caring and Creative God
Heavenly Father, Creator of all, May Your concern through all I face Renew my hope in the love You write on hearts and then retrace. Amen.
September 09, 2024: Prayer in Humility
Lord Jesus, You came into the world for all people, yet You care individually for me. I pray for peace among the nations and ask for Your blessings in my need. You came that Your Word would reach afar, yet humble offerings, you treasure. May what I do give homage to You, who love me beyond all measure. Amen.
September 08, 2024: Prayer in Gratitude for Grandparents
Gracious God, thank You For the precious gift of grandparents And grandchildren, together blessed— Loving with love overflowing, Side by side or in reminiscence. Thank You for everyday moments: Mints in the old candy jar, A stuffed toy hugged after its mend, Muddy shoes at the frog pond, Favorite stories read before bed. With thanks, I bring to You this prayer For all grandparents and grandchildren, Especially those dear to me. May we learn from one another And stay ever in Your company. Amen.
September 07, 2024: To Engage in Life Faithfully
Lord Jesus, When challenges come my way, May Your example remind me That being blessed is not the same As being unchallenged or carefree. Amen.
September 06, 2024: Love, Faith, and Hope
Heavenly Father, Whose love knows no bounds, Please help me to be more loving Today than yesterday. Lord Jesus, Whose compassion knows no barriers, Please help me to face each obstacle With ever greater faith. Holy Spirit, Whose presence knows no borders, Please help me in my need To hope in heaven here on Earth. Amen. Alleluia.
September 05, 2024: Prayer for Help in Need
Lord, I come to You in grateful prayer, Filled with faith and hope and need. Please help me in all I do today To seek You, who by example lead. Amen.
September 04, 2024: Rooted in the Lord
Through parables, Lord, You made known What fields and orchards repeat. May I allow seeds of faith and forgiveness To take root ever more deeply in me. Amen.
September 03, 2024: For Schoolchildren
May the children dear to me Pursue their lessons enthusiastically. While from home they are away, Lord, please watch over them in study and play. Through all the subjects they are taught, May goodness be in heart and thought. I hope that as they strive and grow, Kindness to others, they will show. Most of all, Lord, this I pray: That they will follow in Your loving way. Amen.
September 02, 2024: Prayer for All Who Labor
Lord Jesus, How often, as a child, did You marvel At the things that Joseph made? Please bless all who work with skillful hands, Building the Kingdom through their trades. You grew up in the love and care of Mary, Who became our Mother, too. Please bless the unsung work of parents In bringing children close to You. You told a parable of workers waiting In the vineyard to labor. Please bless all now searching for new work; Through employment, grant them favor. To each person is granted a vocation, Holy purpose to fulfill. Please bless workers devoted in every field With strength to do the Father’s will. Amen.
September 01, 2024: Care for Creation
Loving Father, You have created all times and seasons, and yet Your love is infinite. May I share Your care for creation, Fulfilling my role within it. Amen.
August 31, 2024: To Spread Hope
Lord, through the blessings I receive, help me to give to others the hope of one day sharing eternal life with You and Mary, our Blessed Mother. Amen.
August 30, 2024: Lord, You Know Me
Loving Lord Jesus, Who noticed the merest touch to Your cloak, I give You thanks that I need never fear Being lost in the crowd of people coming to You. Beyond the words spoken, You know people’s hearts, And I give You thanks that You always hear My needs even beyond the prayers I bring to You. Amen.
August 29, 2024: For Blessing in Struggle
Almighty God and Father, To You, I give thanks for Your mercy Shown more readily than I sometimes forgive. Please help me to echo Your compassion, Sharing with others Your love redemptive. Amen.
August 28, 2024: For Faith and Goodness
May all who give their help to others Be blessed and encouraged by the Lord, Who came to show us how to live With faith and deeds in loving accord. Amen.
August 27, 2024: Lord, My Hope
Lord, You are my hope, For You desire only what is best for me. When I am struggling, I hope that You will give me grace-filled strength. When I am disappointed, I hope that faith will help me to refocus. When I am lonely, I hope that Your love will see me through. When I fail, I hope in Your forgiveness. When I am happy, I hope that my joy will glorify You. When I am blessed in unexpected ways, I hope to see Your delight in the surprise. When I don’t know quite what to say, I hope to listen attentively in prayer. When I try to follow You, I hope to keep You in sight every step of the way. Amen.
August 26, 2024: Prayer for an Understanding Heart
Lord Jesus, though innocent lives are lost to violence, please help me to be gentle. Despite ravaging storms or relentless drought, please keep me from devastating words or actions. When loved ones who have passed away are missed, please help me to share my heart in loving memory. When things get complicated needlessly, please guide me in simply doing what is right. Amen.
August 25, 2024: My Hope at All Times
Heavenly Father, When I dream big, Increase my faith, too, For with You all things are possible. When I feel stuck, Please stay by me, For Your plan isn’t always easy to see. When I am disheartened, Please renew my spirit, For my greatest hope is in You. Amen.
August 24, 2024: Prayer As a Child of God
Lord Jesus, You said that we should be as children. When my efforts fall short, Please grant me the grace To come to You In trust that You will help. When I wonder what the future holds, Please grant me faith And enthusiastic openness To surprises that await. When I am hurting, Please reach out to me, Whether I need to lean on You Or seek comfort in Your embrace. When I am happy, Please grant me the blessing Of knowing that only in You Can my joy be complete. Amen.
August 23, 2024: In Challenging Times
Lord Jesus, When I come to You in prayer, Pleading because the time seems long, Please be with me for the distance, And help me bear the pace. When I am burdened or suffering And need to lean on You, If not strength, then in my weakness, Give me humility and grace. When I fail to understand Obstacles appearing in my way, Help me not to miss the markers Leading to a better place. When I feel weary from trying, Becoming discouraged or afraid, Inspire me, guide me, and hold me In Your loving embrace. Amen.
August 22, 2024: Marian Prayer for Hope
Mary, Queen of Heaven, please be with me when I need reminding that, with God, all things are possible. Please pray for me to be more open to what God intends and lovingly prepares for me. Amen.
August 21, 2024: Beyond What I Can Do
Lord Jesus, There is much in this world beyond what I can remedy, And so I come to You in prayer: For peace where there is war And for peacemakers; For the hungry and homeless And those who provide what they can; For the abandoned and abused And for unsung heroes; For the dehumanized and demoralized And for the gentle-hearted who bring hope. Amen.
August 20, 2024: Servant of the Lord
Lord Jesus, I offer to You this simple prayer: Through the sacrifices I make, Whether chosen or thrust upon me, And through Your grace to be awake To blessings of Your love and mercy. Amen.
August 19, 2024: Together in Faith
Jesus, my Savior, I come to You today, To ask for Your blessing in prayer. Through the love You give to me, Please make me more loving and aware. For people around me, May I be a sign You are near. Should I meet with sorrow, Let me be Your hand to dry a tear. You are always with me, My hope when others might despair. May the faith you give to me Be a gift that I gratefully share. Amen.