5/9/2020: Faith to Carry On

Jesus, my hope, As I continue to seek, May discouragement not get the better of me. When I feel let down and When am afraid to get my hopes up, Grant me faith enough to keep trying. Amen.

5/8/2020: Free to Follow the Lord

Jesus, Lord and Savior, Rather than freedom to have my way, From sin I want to be set free. May blessings through serving You today Help me to follow where You lead. Amen.

5/7/2020: Prayer to Fulfill My Mission

Loving Father, You sent Your Son into the world, Where He walked on dusty roads and water; Please grant me the faith and grace I need To serve You from this moment onward. Lord Jesus, You sent the Apostles to go forth, To find welcome or shake the dust from their feet; Please help me to reflect Your love, By forgiving and leading others to faith. Holy Spirit, You have been sent to dwell within me, So that my life is never empty; Please help me to see renewed purpose And look for each day’s new opportunities. Amen.

5/6/2020: Trying My Best

Lord Jesus, You accepted people in Your life, not expecting flawless friends; Help me to try my best and on Your mercy still depend. Amen.

5/5/2020: Marian Prayer for Hope

Mary, Queen of Heaven, please be with me when I need reminding that, with God, all things are possible. Please pray for me to be more open to what God intends and lovingly prepares for me. Amen.

5/4/2020: Grateful Follower

Lord, the sacrifice You made is without compare; for Your unending love, I come to You in grateful prayer. Amen.

5/3/2020: In Thanks for Vocations

Loving Father, You give each of us a vocation. To You, I give thanks For couples whose hearts share one love, And parents who treasure The children given to their care; For men and women in ordained and religious life, Whose presence brings comfort To a world in need of ministry; For single laypeople who serve You When they could be self-centered instead; For all of the faithful, whose purpose is Fulfillment of their place in Your eternal plan. Amen.

5/2/2020: Reaching for the Lord

Lord Jesus, Like the plants that reach toward sunlight to grow and flourish, yet I thirst for water living. I give You thanks for love outpoured, Light of faith, Bread to nourish, wellspring of love and giving. In storms that I must weather, let me turn to You in faith, for You alone can calm my fear. May I seek to serve You better, while knowing that You await all who seek to find You near. Amen.

5/1/2020: Reflection of Your Love

Father, the glory of creation, You have set before us. With voice and heart, I give You praise, My prayer a song with joyful chorus. In Your image, You created me, Giving both life and soul. May all I do reflect Your love, While giving of self, becoming whole. Amen.

4/30/2020: To Share Hope

Lord Jesus, You gave love beyond compare. Help me to give to others the hope You came to share. Amen.

4/29/2020: To Live for God’s Glory

Lord Jesus, Healing with Your words and touch, Always attentive to others’ needs And compassionate to all who seek You, Please heal me from selfishness. Lord Jesus, Who prayed to Your heavenly Father, Confident that He would hear With love and not abandonment, Please help me to listen when I pray. Lord Jesus, Teaching as no one else has done, Challenging those who would follow You To seek the truth and freedom from sin, Please teach and guide me in Your ways. Amen.

4/28/2020: Lord, Always Loving

Lord, I give You thanks, For You remain with me: Faithful though I falter, Ready to forgive my faults, Loving, always loving. Amen.

4/27/2020: What Today May Bring

Loving Father, If I awakened today wondering what will be, May I look for the guidance of Your Spirit in me. If today I experience loneliness, May Your Son’s compassion fill the emptiness. If in body, mind, or spirit is pain, May I turn to You for hope sustained. If the answer to a prayer occurs, May I be grateful that every prayer is heard. If I fail to seek You in all that I do, May the desire to serve You be renewed. Amen.

4/26/2020: Prayer Before Mass

God, our Father, Your Word is creative, Sustaining what You have made. May Holy Scripture bring me new hope In the blessings which I await. Lord Jesus, Remembering Your love, In Your care, I am gratefully blessed. I am one in the communion of faith Gathered for Word and Eucharist. Holy Spirit, Come in wind or whisper, Giving me comfort and grace. Constant companion on my life’s journey, Be my help in struggles I face. Amen.

4/25/2020: Morning Prayer

At the dawning of this new day, Please renew in me the certainty That You desire for each a place With You for all eternity. In the light of early morning, Please reawaken Your love in me; Your compassionate outpouring, Let me show to others in need. As Your plan before me unfolds, May the glory I envision Remain within my heart to hold, For You have lived, died, and risen!

4/24/2020: To Seek Peace

God, our Father, almighty and yet all-loving: For people in power, I pray That they will seek the peace which comes Only through serving You. Lord Jesus, victim and yet our Savior: For the vulnerable, I pray That they will know the peace of being loved By people serving You. Holy Spirit, one in God and yet dwelling in me: For all who feel crushed in spirit, I pray That they will receive peace and every grace Needed for serving You. Amen.

4/23/2020: To Recognize the Lord

Risen Savior, You appeared, though unrecognized at first. When I fail to see Your face, in Your love my heart immerse. Amen.

4/22/2020: Drawing Closer to the Lord

Lord, You have walked before me, showing me the way. When I lag behind, please help me draw closer to You. Amen.

4/21/2020: Prayer for Family

Heavenly Father, To You, I give thanks for the Holy Family: For the gentle presence of Mary, The upright example of Joseph, And for the obedience of Jesus. For my family members, I offer prayers for our needs And ask that we may be for one another A reflection of the Holy Family’s love. Amen.

4/20/2020: Be with Me, Lord

Lord Jesus, who came into Your disciples’ presence although the door was locked, may I open my heart to Your peace and not be afraid. Amen.

4/19/2020: Prayer for Divine Mercy

Lord Jesus, Risen Savior, Born to redeem Your sheep gone astray, As a shepherd desiring that none be lost, You gave Your love and earthly life, Forgiving even as You died on the Cross. In faith, I ask for Your Divine Mercy. In humble prayer, I come before You, Undeserving of the compassion desired, For sin, although forgiven, leaves A mark upon perfect Creation defiled. In hope, I ask for Your Divine Mercy. With Easter joy that You have risen And belief that You will not abandon me, May Your words echo in my heart, Overcoming my fears and bringing peace. In love, I ask for Your Divine Mercy. Amen.

4/18/2020: Eternal Life and Love

Lord Jesus, In You there is no greater love, And that love lives now in me. May I one day be in heaven above, Where loves lives on eternally. Amen.

4/17/2020: Praying Beyond What I Want

Lord Jesus, You know all that I need and desire, Although I sometimes confuse the two. When what I want fails to transpire, Please grant me greater faith in You. Amen.

4/16/2020: I Know Not How

To seek the Kingdom of heaven, When I don’t know how, Lord, help me to see the heavenly glory Around me, here and now. To be a faithful follower, When I feel far, far behind, Lord, please grant me the grace to listen To Your Word with open mind. To notice people as You did, When I would rather pass them by, Lord, increase in me the generosity To put my own desires aside. To be a sign of Your love, For I have Your love to give, Lord, may I reconcile with others readily, Following Your example of how to live. Amen.

4/15/2020: Prayer for Friends

Loving Father, To You, I give thanks for the Lord Jesus, sent into the world to live among us and to be a patient, understanding, and sometimes challenging friend. For my friends, I offer prayers of gratitude that we have been drawn together. With each other’s love and help, may we draw closer to You. Amen.

4/14/2020: God by My Side

Loving Father, When I think I can do things on my own, Please help me anyway. On the other hand, When I want You to be a handyman, Fixing this or that. Please help me to accept That in Your wisdom, You wear many hats. To tell the truth, I enjoy praise now and then. Please grant me more humility. To Love You above all things Is harder than it seems. Thank you for loving me even so. Amen.

4/13/2020: Prayer for Peace

Lord, Jesus, peace is Your gift, Though it remains at times unopened. When my cares and anxieties get in the way, Please open my heart to Your peace. Yes, peace is Your gift, But I sometimes set it aside. When I am too focused on my struggles, Please help me to let Your peace inside. Peace that is Your gift, You lovingly leave with us. When I need to forgive or ask forgiveness, Please grant me the peace of leaving sin behind. Your peace is a gift Given for the purpose of sharing. When I can give comfort or help, Please share Your peace through me. Amen.

4/12/2020: Prayer to the Risen Lord

Lord Jesus, Risen Savior, To You I offer joyful praise For the compassion that You give. Grateful prayer to You I raise, Who have shown me how to live. In faith, I want to follow You, Although I sometimes stumble. Please guide me as I pursue Life in You, Savior most humble. You know without my voicing Every blessing, dream, and care. With Easter hope and rejoicing, I come to You in thankful prayer. Amen.

4/11/2020: Prayer for Holy Saturday

Lord, please help me as I seek You, Ever in need of Your guidance and graces. Where You have gone ahead of me, May I come to see what Your love embraces. Amen.

4/10/2020: Prayer on Good Friday

Loving Savior, I come with heavy heart, for the sins You bore for me. With love You sacrificed Yourself, although I am unworthy. I come to You, who know the pain of the Passion You endured. No suffering of mine compares, O Sacred Heart most pure. I come to You with faithfulness that You hear my every prayer. For anyone hurt through my sin, I ask for Your blessing and care. Amen.