March 28, 2024: Prayer on Holy Thursday

Jesus, how should I attend to You? Please awaken in me the insight To see even small acts of kindness As ways to serve You, my Lord and Light.

March 27, 2024: Prayer on Wednesday of Holy Week

Lord Jesus, may the love that I give Reflect Your compassion for me. With gentleness of heart, may I live, Here and in heavenly glory. Amen.

March 26, 2024: Prayer on Tuesday of Holy Week

Lord, please give me patience to endure When Your timeline isn’t mine. Help me to do Your will today— My life with Yours to intertwine. Amen.

March 25, 2024: Prayer on Monday of Holy Week

With the saints and angels I pray That in whatever struggles I face, I may be blessed with faithfulness, Unwavering hope, and saving grace. Amen.

March 24, 2024: Prayer on Palm Sunday

Lord Jesus, Crowds gathered to listen to Your words As You spoke in ways that changed their lives. Thank you for the echoes of your compassion, Repeating today what it means to follow You. Amen.

March 23, 2024: As One Blessed

Lord God, Through the blessings that You give to me May I respond with love to others in need. Amen.

March 22, 2024: For Faith Unhidden

Almighty God, Creator, You lovingly made all things, Fashioned in Your goodness and given; Help me to use the blessings I have With faith in a light not meant to be hidden. Amen.

March 21, 2024: Prayer When I Grow Weary

Lord Jesus, I come to You in prayer and ask for the grace That I need on this day, in this time and place: To pray with confidence that You hold me dearly, Through good times and days when I grow weary; To look up to You with gratitude and praise, And in my life here on Earth not go astray; To be open to grace and while using Your gifts Trust in You, whose love and compassion uplift. Amen.

March 20, 2024: Prayer for Family

Heavenly Father, To You, I give thanks for the Holy Family: For the gentle presence of Mary, The upright example of Joseph, And for the obedience of Jesus. For my family members, I offer prayers for our needs And ask that we may be for one another A reflection of the Holy Family’s love. Amen.

March 19, 2024: The Glory of Springtime

Loving God, As the days grow longer, With each sunrise may I be reminded That You sent Your Son To be light for the world! In the rains that water Ground trampled and dry, may I be reminded, As on the road to Emmaus, Of the yearning for Words of life! And if a rainbow should appear And I gaze toward the heavens, may I be reminded Of the covenant You made And the spectrum of Your love. Amen.

March 18, 2024: An Imperfect Follower

Heavenly Father, I give You thanks and praise, for You do not abandon me, though in sin I turn away. For the many times I have failed and added to human distress, I pray to You in sorrow and in the hope that faith can bring. May the struggles that I face become a source of blessing, perfected through the gifts from You of love, understanding, and merciful gentleness. Amen.

March 17, 2024: Faith in the Lord’s Care

When the ways of this world take too much of my attention, may I look heavenward in prayer. Knowing that I can do only so much, may worries set aside make room for greater faith in Your gentle care. Amen.

March 16, 2024: Sharing Hope

Lord Jesus, How can I help being hopeful With You as my mentor and friend? Today, help me to share that hope With the humility You intend. Amen.

March 15, 2024: Always in the Lord’s Care

Lord Jesus, When health in body, mind or spirit Has given way to pain, I bring to You the suffering I bear, In faith, not in complaint. For each moment of my being, Even in infirmity, Can be for me a time of grace, Blessed for eternity. May I feel Your presence near to me, So that I’ll not despair, Believing in Your promise to keep Me ever in Your care. Amen.

March 14, 2024: Prayer for Peace

Lord Jesus, in places of violence and strife, may Your peace instead of weaponry pierce people’s hearts. Amen.

March 13, 2024: To Serve You Well

Lord, help me to serve You well Through the tasks at hand today, Mindful of the people whose lives I can touch in a meaningful way. Amen.

March 12, 2024: For Love’s Sake

Heavenly Father, In each day, there is opportunity, and You invite us to partake; Help me reach out to You, solely for love’s sake. Amen.

March 11, 2024: How to Live in Holiness

Lord, You came as light into the world, As cherished hours of daylight suggest. May I more clearly see how to live As I seek to abide in grace and holiness. Amen.

March 10, 2024: Following the Lord

Lord Jesus, Recalling Your compassion, May I follow where You lead, And though I may falter at times, Find in You the strength I need. Amen.

March 09, 2024: Prayer for Grace in Gratitude

Lord God, today, I ask for grace, In all that I say and do, To look around me, see my blessings, And live in wondrous gratitude. Amen.

March 08, 2024: To Glimpse Heaven

In gratitude, I pray, for the lessons Jesus taught and for the glimpse He gives of heaven, the hope within a faithful heart. Amen.

March 07, 2024: Always in God’s Sight

To grow in faith, may I always turn Toward You, my Lord and Light. Help me see, in times of darkness, That I am always in Your sight. Amen.

March 06, 2024: Marian Prayer for Comfort

Holy Mary, Mother of God, be with me as I pray. When I am discouraged or afraid And long for a mother’s comfort and gentle love, Please hold me close within your heart Through the struggles that I face. Amen.

March 05, 2024: Prayer in My Weakness

Lord Jesus, who lived and died for us, When Your presence seems far away, May I reach out for Your healing touch, for the comfort of Your embrace. Lord Jesus, who suffered for my sake, In times of burden or despair, May Your example give me new faith And hope in Your eternal care. Lord Jesus, who came to do the Father’s will, With pain too much to bear alone, May Your Spirit give me strength within And guide me on the path You have shown. Amen.

March 04, 2024: For the Lonely

Lord Jesus, For all who feel loneliness or loss, I pray for companionship found In faith that You remain with us always, Loving with love that knows no bounds. Amen.

March 03, 2024: Prayer for a Meaningful Lent

Compassionate Savior, During this time of Lent, I recall that in the desert You overcame temptation. When I am tempted to do nothing additional and nothing different in my faith life, Help me to sacrifice sameness To more closely follow You. Amen.

March 02, 2024: For a Day of Grace

Father, Son, and Spirit, Throughout this day given to me, I ask You in this prayer, For the grace to know that I am blessed By Your love and care. Amen.

March 01, 2024: The Lord is Constant

Loving Savior, for the pain that You endured, I come to You in regret and sorrow; For though I have sinned, Your love is constant, Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Amen.

February 29, 2024: Leap Year Prayer

Heavenly Father, on this special day, added each leap year to accommodate our imperfect tabulation of time, please give me patience when Your time line doesn’t match mine. On this day, as always, please bless my efforts to serve You, despite my human imperfections, for You can accomplish Your work even through my fumblings. When inertia caused by fear or doubt holds me back from doing what You desire, please increase my trust in You when I need to take a leap of faith.

February 28, 2024: To Share Hope

Lord Jesus, You gave love beyond compare. Help me to give to others the hope You came to share. Amen.